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Past Tense - Tense- Part -2

Subject: English
Subject Code: HUM 4101
Topic: Past Tense and Tense Part-2
Lecturer: Md. Arif Moinuddin Chy

Past Tense 

A common excuse of a late student …

“Sorry sir, I was caught in a big traffic jam. Unfortunately, my bus/ texi was also slow. But I reached Bahaddarhat on time. When I came near to the university, I met an old friend. I had to give him time and talked to him. So I missed the class…”

Simple Past
Form: I met an old friend. 
Structure: Sub + verb ii  + Obj
P: I met an old friend. .
N: I didn’t meet an old friend.
Q: Did I meet an old friend ?   

Actions completed in the past at a definite time. The man died in 1895.
Past habit: He always wrote letters.
Actions taking place one after another. He climbed the stairs, he looked at me and then followed me.
Action taking place in the middle of another action. I was having a shower when the phone rang.
Time Expression: yesterday, 3 days ago, in 1967, in the 1980s, in the 17th century, when, then, last Friday. 

Complete the newspaper story about a fire. Put in the past simple forms of the verbs.
Two people died (die) in a fire in Ellis Street, Dhaka yesterday morning. They (1)…….….(be) Hashim and Momtaz, a couple in their seventies. The fire (2)……………………………….. (start) at 3.20 am. A neighbour, Mr Aziz, (3)……………………………… (see) the flames and (4) …………………………… (call) the fire brigade. He also (5)………………………......... (try) to get into the house and rescue his neighbours, but the heat (6)………………………. (be) too great. The fire brigade (7) (arrive) in five minutes. Twenty fire-fighters (8) ……………………….. (fight) the fire and finally (9)……………………………. (bring) it under control. Two fire-fighters (10)…………………………… (enter) the burning building but (11)…………………… (find) the couple dead.
I was so happy to see the place for the first time in my life. You know, we were sitting on a bench very close to the river bank.  The wind was blowing gently. The sun was shining bright. The birds were singing. The people were enjoying themselves. The children were playing, jumping and laughing… I just loved the place so much

Past Continuous/ Progressive
Form: We were sitting on a bench . 
Structure: Sub + was/were + verb-i + Obj
P: We were sitting on a bench .
N: We weren’t sitting on a bench .
Q: Were we sitting on a bench

action going on for some time at a certain time in the past. At 9 o’clock, yesterday.
I was waiting for my son
actions taking place at the same time joined by while or as: While I was cooking, my husband was laying the table.
action in the past that is interrupted by another action joined by when : I was having a shower when the phone rang   

Read this conversation…
Melanie: I rang at about three yesterday afternoon, but you weren't in. I didn't know where you were.
David: Oh, I was helping Mike. We were repairing his car. It took ages. We were working on it all afternoon.
Melanie: It was raining. 1 hope you weren't doing it outside.
David: No, we were in the garage. So I didn't get wet. But I'm afraid I got oil all over my new trousers.
Melanie: Why were you wearing your new trousers to repair a car? David: / don't know. I forgot I had them on.
Complete the conversation. Put in the past continuous forms.
Jessica: I was looking (I / look) for you, Vicky. I'm afraid I've broken this dish.
Vicky: Oh no! What (1)………………………...(you / do)?
Jessica: (2)……………………… (I / take) it into the kitchen. I bumped into Emma. (3)…………………………. (she / come) out just as (4) ……………………….….. (I /go) in.
Vicky: I expect it was your fault. (5)..................... (you / not / look) where (6)………………………….. (you/ go).
Jessica: Sorry. I'll buy you another one as soon as I have some money.

What can you say in these situations? Add a sentence with the past continuous
to say that an action lasted a long time.
You had to work yesterday. The work went on all day. = I was working all day.
You had to make phone calls. The calls went on all evening.
You had to make sandwiches. This went on all afternoon.
You had to sit in a traffic jam. You were there for two hours.
Your neighbor played loud music. This went on all night.

[It happened as I was driving]
We often use the past continuous and simple together when one (shorter) action
comes in the middle of another (longer) one.
üAs we were driving down the hill, a strange object appeared in the sky.
üWhile Laura was sitting in the garden, it suddenly began to rain.
üYou drove right past me when I was waiting for the bus.
The appearance of the strange object comes in the middle of the longer action, the drive down the hill.
Shorter action: An object appeared.

In the three sentences above, the past continuous comes after as, while or when
(As we were driving ...). We can also use when before the past simple.
We were driving down the hill when a strange object appeared in the sky.
David was making lunch when the phone rang.
But we use two past simple verbs for one action after another.
When we saw the spaceship, we stopped the car. (= We saw it and then we stopped.)

Past continuous or past simple?
Put in the correct form of the verb.
Rita: I hear the lights went (go) out in your flats last night.
Emma: Yes, I was watching (I / watch) a documentary on TV when suddenly (1)……….. .................. (we / lose) all the power. But (2)………….(it / come) on again after about ten minutes.
Vicky: Rachel (3)…………… (come) down the stairs when the lights
(4)………………… (go) out. She almost (5)…………………………. (fall) over.
Daniel: Matthew and I (6)………. .........(play) table tennis at the time.
Andrew: (7)………………................. (I / work) on the computer.
(8)……………… (I / lose) a whole hour's work. But this morning
(9) ……………(I/get) up early and (10)…………………Do) it again.

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