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Model Question with Solution For English- English

English Model Questions (Final Exam)
Time: 2 hours                                             Marks: 40
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1.    Voice:

a.    Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple Passive.
Two men ware being seen(see) breaking into a house in my street last night. The police were called (call) and they arrived very quickly. One man was caught (catch) immediately. The other escaped, but he was found (find) very soon. Both men were taken(take) to the police station where they were questioned (question) separately by a police officer. The two men were charged (charge) with burglary.

b.    Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple.
a. My car was repaired (repair) last week.
b. This song was not written (not write) by John Lennon.
c. The film was made (make) ten years ago.
d. The car was not damaged (not damaged) in the accident.
e. The original building was pulled (pull) down in 1965. 

2.    Comment on the situations. Use first conditional sentences.
1 Shila might fail her driving test. But she can take it again.
Ans: If Shila fails her driving test, she can take it again.
2 Real Madrid might lose. If they do, Pepe will be upset.
Ans: If Real Madrid lose, Pepe will be upset.
3 The office may be closed. In that case Mazan won't be able to get in.
Ans: If the office is closed, Mizan won't be able to get in.
4 Shiraji may arrive a bit early. If he does, he can help Tamim to get things ready.
Ans: If Shiraji arrives a bit early, he can help Tamim to get things ready
5 The party might go on all night. If it does, no one will want to do any work tomorrow.
Ans: If the party goes on all night, no one will want to do any work tomorrow.
6 Enam may miss the train. But he can get the next one.
Ans: If Enam misses the train, she can get the next one
7 Is Matt going to enter the race? He'll probably win it.
Ans: If Matt enters the race, he'll probably win it.
3.    Sentences are given in the direct speech. Change them into the indirect speech.

a.    He said, “I have got a headache”.
Indirect:  He said that he had got a headache.
b.    Manu said, “I am very busy now”.
Indirect: Manu said that he was very busy than.
c.     “Hurry up,” he said to us.
Indirect: He ordered us to hurry up.
d.    “Give me a cup of water,” he told her.
Indirect: He ordered her to give him a cup of water.
e.    She said, “I am going to college.”
Indirect: She said that she was going to college.

4.    What can you say in these situations? Use the tense in brackets.
1 A friend is at your flat and suggests going out, but you can see rain outside. You don't want to go out now. (Present continuous)
Look, it is raining now I can’t go out.
2 A friend rings you up at work. Sorry, I can't talk now.  (Present continuous)
Ans: Sorry, Man!  I’m working. I can’t talk now.
3. Melanie rang Rita forty minutes ago, and they're still on the phone (present perfect continuous)
Ans: Melanie and Rita have been talking on phone for 40 minutes.
4. You had to sit in a traffic jam. You were there for two hours. (past continuous)
Ans: I was sitting in my car for two hours in a traffic jam.

5.    Comment on the following situations. Write appropriate sentences using modal verbs: can, could, may might, must
1 I can't say whether Daniel will win................................................
2 I haven't decided if I'm going on a holiday. ........................................................................
3 I don't know if we'll get an invitation.
Ans: We
4 I've no idea whether Sarah will be late………………………………………

6.    Traffic Jam is a big problem in Chittagong. What do you think about it? What are the reasons and how do we all suffer? What are some solutions for this problem? Write a five-paragraph essay on Traffic Jam in Chittagong. (words: 180-200)

Traffic Jam Problem in Chittagong

Traffic Jam means a long line of vehicles that can't move or that can move very slowly. Traffic jam is common affair in our Chittagong and It is a great problem in our Bangladesh.There are many cause of traffic jam, narrow avenue due to under contraction of roads, bridge, flyover, Wasa and Gas by the govt. Footpath are occupied by illegal street business and poor people. Rapid growth at population and increasing number of people's vehicles are the main reason of traffic jam. The indiscriminate plying rickshaw and illegal parking of vehicles are also another reason of traffic jam. Traffic jam causes untold suffering to people its waste at valuable time for student, employees, businessman, Fire Department, Civil Department are also suffering at traffic Jam. Traffic jam can be solved by enforcing traffic rules. The narrow rood should broadened. By pass road or link road, building of flyover, footpath business, illegal rickshaws and vehicles should be removed to solve this problem. We can reduce traffic jam by rising public awareness. To buildup our mental thinking. If we follow traffic roles traffic jam remove in not only Chittagong but also from every city of Bangladesh

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