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Chemistry And Electrical Enineering - 1St Semester Final Question

Department Of Mechanical Engineering

Semester Final Examination- 2017

Program: ME

Semester: Autumn 2017

Course Title: Chemistry for Engineering Materials

Course Code: CHEM 4201
Time: 2:00 Hours                 Total Marks: 40
Part A
Answer any six questions. (From 1-8). Each question contains 2 marks.      (12)
1.       Define Hydrocarbons. Write The Types of Hydrocarbons
2.       Write the basic forms of Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes
3.       Name the following

4.       Draw The structure of Following
a.        2,4-hexadiene
b.        3 – ethyle-1-pentyne
5.       What do you know about polymers? Write some example of polymers.
6.       How you will define Crude oil? Why Crude oil Refining is important?
7.       What is Fractional distillation? How it works explain in short.
8.       What are Lubricants? Write their functions.
Answer any four question (From 9-14). Each question contains 7 marks.      (28)
9.      A. what do you understand about corrosion? How corrosion take place in maters?
B.  Write the harmful effects of corrosion. Write the way to prevent corrosion.
10.   A. What are the methods of lubrication? Explain each of them.
B. Why upgrade of an oil refinery is important? Write the accomplishment
11.   A. What prefix and Suffix indicate for naming Hydrocarbons? What are saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons?
B. Define Molarity, Molality and Normality
12.   A. If 43 mL stock solution of 9.5 M Sulfuric Acid is diluted to a volume of 700 mL, what would be resulting concentration?
B. Suppose you had 3.00 moles of lolute dissolved into 2.00 L of solvent. What’s the molality?
13.   A. What do you know about Dilution? How it has been done in laboratory?
B. Why important to know the molecular weight of substances?
14.   A. Why the fractions from crude oil need to undergo chemical processing? Explain.
B. Short notes on Benzene, Typical Lubricants, and Organic Vs Inorganic Chemistry.  

Department Of Mechanical Engineering

Semester Final Examination- 2017

Program: ME

Semester: Autumn 2017

Course Title: Basic Electrical Engineering

Course Code: EEE 4201
Time: 2:00 Hours                 Total Marks: 40
[There are THREE questions, answer any TWO]

1.    A. Find the resistance at the A-B terminals in the following figure using   △⇾     Y      (5)

B. Find the input resistance of the circuit between the points A and B                           (5)

2.       A. Determine the current through 6 ohm resistance connected across A-B terminals in the electrical circuit of figure 2a, using Themenin’s theorem

B. For the circuit shown in figure 2b calculate the current in the 10 ohm resistance. Use Thevnin’s theorem only

3.       Find the branch currents in the circuit of figure 3 by using (i) nodal analysis and (ii) mesh analysis  [5*2=10]

[There are THREE questions in this section, answer any TWO]

4.       Determine the current supply by each battery  in the circuit shown in figure 4      [10]

5.       A. Determine current in 3 ohm resistor by any one method        [5]

B. Use nodal analysis to determine the voltage across 20 ohm resistance      [5]

6.    Choose the best answer             [2.5 * 4 = 20 ]

A . Identify the resistors in parallel

a.       R1II R5  b. R2IIR3     c. R3IIR4    d. None

B. Identify the resistors in series

a.       R1-R2       b. R1-R3     c.  R2-R3      d. None

C. Find the element current IRy

a.       -4 A          b. -4mA      c. 0A             d. none

D. Mesh current method of solving electrical networks
a. uses branch current      b. utilizes KVL      c. is confined to single loop circuit     d. None

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