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Women At Work How Change Our Society - Presentation

Women At Work How Change Our Society

Whatever is great in the world
Creation is always good
Half of them have women,
Half of his males
      (Kazi Nazrul Islam)
Presented By
036. Shiplu Barua
Download Link                                                             037. Minul Islam
038. Pranta Acharjee
039.Mohammad  Sadnan Shihab
040.Shahinul Islam Shaon

Women are starting to shoot ahead in the workplace. They are slowly catching up with men in the battle for positions. Can this cause a potential shift in the main source of income in the house hold
Women Then
Traditionally the role of women seed to be of cooking, cleaning, raising children etc. They were looked upon as caregiver or as home keeper and were denied access outside home.

Women Now
Today’s women have made their mark in every field. Be it literature, arts, politics, sports , Corporate or any other sphere women are ready to take up challenges.

Access to Education
qChildren’s school attendance
Only two-thirds of girls and three-fourths of boys ag
6-17 years are attending school. The sex ratio of children attending school is 889 girls per 1,000 boys.
qLiteracy and educational attainment among adults
Forty-one percent of women age 15-49 have never been to school.
Educational attainment remains very low: even among the 20-29 age group, only 27% of women have
10 or more years of education.
The percentage of ever-married women with 10 or more years of education has risen very slowly from (11% in NFHS-1 to 17% in NFHS-3.)
Access to Employment

Women age 15-49 are about half as likely as men in the same age group to be employed: 43% vs. 87%.
The relationship of employment and wealth for women suggests that, for many women, employment is largely a result of economic necessity.
Even with controls for education, age, and wealth, marriage is negatively associated with a womans likelihood of being
employed and is positively associated with a mans likelihood of being employed.
Most employed women work for someone else, away from home, and continuously throughout the year; about one in three women do not receive monetary compensation for their work or receive at least part of their payment in kind.
Most employed women work in agriculture; only 7% work in professional, technical, or managerial occupations

Overview of Women workforce in Bangladesh
The literacy rate of women is 55.1%
Education rate is 30.8%
Women in labor force is 57.2% of total women.
Women are 15% of the total labor force
The occupation of women in parliament

Role of NGO’s

Non-governmental organizations are playing a significant role in the empowerment of disadvantages women. Just a few years after Independence, the Government set up the Central Social Welfare Board, an apex body of the voluntary sector that aids more than 100 NGOs across the country, helping women stand on their own through such program as socio-economic program, vocational training and other similar programs.
Social Empowerment
Political empowerment of women is only a part of the overall mainstreaming of women. Education of women means greater awareness of their role in society. Awareness of their rights, better knowledge of housekeeping and better performance of their roles as a housewife and mother. Education and training have opened up the avenues of employment and self employment in the organized sector. As never before women are working in diverse fields as doctors, engineers, IAS officers, IPS officers, bank officials and in a wide range of sectors in the unorganized sector. And now most of the operation are run by the women.
Women represent half the world’s population, and gender inequality exists in every nation on the planet. Until women are given the same opportunities that men are, entire societies will be destined to perform below their potentials. The greatest need of the hour is change of social attitude to women
Thank You Everyone

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