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Modal Auxiliaries - English

Subject: English
Subject Code: HUM 4101
Topic: Model Auxiliaries
Lecturer: Md. Arif Moinuddin Chy

Mira: Hey Maryam, can you play any instruments?
Maryam: Yea, I can.
Mira: How many instruments can you play?
Maryam : Three - the violin, the flute and the piano.
Mira: That's terrific. You haven't got a piano here, though.
Maryam : No, but I can go to the music room at the Uni and play the one in there.
Mira: I'm not musical at all. I can't even sing.

can, could, be able to

Can and be able to
In the present tense, be able to is a little more formal than can.
Ex: Emma is good with computers. She can write/is able to write programs.
For the future we use can or will be able to.
If we finish our class, we can go/we'll be able to go to GEC circle to have something.
I'm afraid I can't come/I won't be able to come to the party on Friday.

Could and was/were able to
For ability or opportunity in the past, we use could or was/were able to.
a.Natasha could play (OR was able to play) the piano when she was four.
b.  In those days we had a car, so we could travel (OR were able to travel) very easily.

To say something really happened and showed the ability or opportunity, we use:
was/were able to but not could.
The plane was able to take off at eleven o'clock, after the fog had lifted.
Luckily Mark was able to get (OR succeeded in getting) the work done in time.
The drivers were able to stop (OR managed to stop) before they crashed into each other.

Can and be able to
Harry is visiting David, who hurt himself when he fell off a ladder. Complete the conversation using can or be able to. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.
Harry: Hello, David. I'm sorry I haven't (►) been able to come (come) and see you before.
I've been really busy recently. How are you?
David: I'm OK, thanks. (1)…………. (I / walk) around now.
The doctor says (2) .................. (I / go) back to work soon.
It'll be nice (3)......................….. (get) out again. I hate being stuck here like this. I haven't (4)……………............... (do) anything interesting.

be allowed to

Asking permission
We use can, could or may to ask for permission.
Can I use your pen?
Could we borrow your ladder, please? ~ Well, I'm using it at the moment.
May I see the letter? ~ Certainly.
Could often sounds more polite than can. May is rather formal.

Giving and refusing permission
To give permission we use can or may (but not could).
You can wait in my office if you like.
Could I borrow your calculator? ~ Of course you can.
You may telephone from here, (a written notice)
May is formal and is not often used in speech.

To refuse permission we use can't or may not (but not couldn't).
Could we picnic here? ~ I'm sorry. I'm afraid you can't.
Members may not bring more than two guests into the club. We can also use must not.
Luggage must not be left unattended.

Talking about permission
We sometimes talk about rules made by someone else. To do this we use can, could and be allowed to.
For the present = can; the past = could.
Present: Each passenger can take one bag onto the plane.
Past: In the 1920s you could drive without taking a test.
We can also use be allowed to.
Present: Passengers are allowed to take one bag onto the plane.
Future: Will I be allowed to record the interview on tape?
Past: We weren't allowed to look round the factory yesterday.

Compare these questions with may and be allowed to.
A                                                B
May I take a photo of you?   Are we allowed to take photos?
(= Will you allow it?)                (= What is the rule?)

Asking permission
How would you ask for permission in these situations?
Use Can I...?, Could I...? or May I...? And use these verbs: borrow, join, look at
You are at a friend's flat. You want to make a phone call. = Can I use your phone?
1 You need a calculator. The person sitting next to you has got one.
2 You have gone into a Tea stall. Three people who you know from work are sitting at a table. You go over to
the table.
3 You had to go to a lecture, but you were ill. Your friend went to the lecture and took notes. Next day you are well again and you see your friend.

If you want to read full Lecture you have to download This lecture. 

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