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Matrix math and Solution - Math

A matrix is a collection of numbers arranged into a fixed number of rows and columns. Usually the numbers are real numbers. In general, matrices can contain complex numbers but we won't see those here.

If the symbol  represents any number, then is called a  m х n  matrix.

This means that the number of rows of the matrix is m and the number of its columns is n 

The matrix is also expressed by the following symbol: 

    is called the element of the matrix. The position of the element     is in i-th row and in j-th column

       Examples of Matrix: 

        1. Row Matrix: A matrix having only one row is called a row matrix or a row vector.

  is a  row matrix. The number of its row is 1 but the number of its columns is n; so, this is a matrix of order 1 х n.
2. Column Matrix: A matrix having only one column is called a column matrix or a column vector 
  is a column matrix

The number of column of this matrix is 1 but the number of rows is m. So, this is a matrix of order  mх1 

3. Square matrix: If the number of rows of a matrix and the number of its columns are equal, the matrix is said to be a square matrix.

  is a square matrix since the number of its rows & columns are both equal to n.

The order of a square matrix consisting of n rows and n columns is n.

The elements a11 ­a22 a33­ ... ... ann of the square matrix are called diagonal elements. The sum of the diagonal elements is called trace.    

4. Diagonal Matrix: The square matrix whose elements aij = 0 when  i 悭 j, is called a diagonal matrix

D= is a diagonal matrix.

5. Scalar Matrix: If the non-zero elements of a diagonal matrix are equal, the matrix is called a scalar  matrix.
D=  is a scalar matrix.


6. Identity (Unit) Matrix: If the non-zero elements of a scalar matrix are each equal to 1, the matrix is called an identity matrix or unit matrix. Unit matrix of order n is denoted by the symbol  In .

For example,  I3 =  , I2 =

7. Zero (Null) Matrix: In a Zero matrix all the elements of its rows and columns are zero
A= is a Zero Matrix.

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